Song arranger / clip launcher

Your create, edit and perform with your composition in the Clip launcher / song arragner panel. You can either play pattern by pattern or choose clips from different patterns for spontaneous composition (live jamming).

Basic operations

Play a song 

Select a pattern, disable LOOP button and tap PLAY.  Depending on "Start from first pattern" option in launcher's settings menu song will start playback from first or current pattern.

Launch clips / perform

You may launch any clip from any pattern, to try out new ideas / perform. Tap on a clip to launch it, swipe down or tap to stop (this gesture is configurable in launcher's menu).

As soon as you launch a clip that doesn't belong to the current pattern it will be deactivated. Tap on a pattern to get back to the patterns playback mode.

Clip playback may start instantly or may be bar-synchronized (Clock icon).

Editing clips and patterns

Hold pattern to show pattern menu.

Swipe up on a clip to show clip menu.

Drag pattern to rearrange.

Drag clip to copy / paste.


Swipe left on a clip to show piano-roll editor.  (shortcut)